What is R2R?
The Road 2 Resiliency is a community on campus that seeks to foster safe and brave spaces for EOP students who are experiencing academic difficulty. By introducing these students to the broader network of resources such as advising, a 2 unit academic seminar, workshops, and more, students build community and access resources that serve as a catalyst towards their resilience and holistic success at Cal. The R2R community seeks to affirm the challenges students face and emphasize that they are not alone in this process.
About the R2R Seminar
Community Learning Experience
The R2R course, offered in Fall and Spring semesters, is designed to empower students in becoming more knowledgeable about their college’s Academic Notice policies while also supporting them in successfully clearing Academic Notice. Over the course of a semester, students read and reflect on a range of texts that speak to models of personal and academic development which assist students in contextualizing their experiences and developing strategies to hone their academic strategies