1964: The Educational Opportunity Program is introduced at UC Berkeley as a faculty initiative in to address the issue of low-income students, particularly minority students, entering and graduating from the University in disproportionately small numbers.
1966: The Educational Opportunity Program is implemented as centralized program that includes tutoring, counseling, financial aid, admissions, and recruitment components. The purpose of the program is to encourage low-income and minority students to attend the University and to matriculate to graduation.
1973: EOP becomes decentralized so that students could reap the benefits of the services provided by specialists in the various Student Affairs Units, Office of Admissions and Records, Financial Aid Office, and the Student Learning Center. Financial Aid goes to the Office of Relations with Schools, and Counseling to student Advising and Assistance. Summer Bridge is launched and welcomes its inaugural class.
1974: EOP Academic Counseling Staff pioneer the Peer Advising program to provide outreach and assist students in their transition to Berkeley.
1976: EOP Counseling merges with the Student Learning Center to increase student retention and the frequency of contacts between counselors and students. Soon after, the Chancellor’s Office integrates the Affirmative Action student population with EOP (which at the time consisted of African American, Pilipino, Chicano, Latino, and Native American students).

1990: The EOP and Affirmative Action Counseling Component of the Student Learning Center becomes integrated with the Office of Student Life. The office changes its name to Student Life Advising Services (SLAS/EOP/AA).
1996: Proposition 209 eliminates Affirmative Action at the University of California. The office removes AA from its name and becomes known as SLAS/EOP.
2008: SLAS/EOP joins the Division of Equity and Inclusion.
2012: SLAS/EOP launches the “Undocumented Student Program” and then opens the Haas funded “Dreamers Resource Center.”
2013: EOP phases out “Student Life Advising Services (SLAS)” and restores its original name.